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Fredrik Bengtsson

It is not known what date or year Fredrik was born. Most likely he was born at the farm Folsbråten in Frykeruds parish, Värmlands county, in the end of 1690 or in the beginning of 1700. His parents were the farmer Bengt ..... and his hustru, whos name not yet is known.

As he, on October 13 1728, married the maid Karin Pålsdotter, from the farm Kvarntorp in the same parish, Fredrik lived on one of the farms in Säldebråten also in Frykeruds parish. The wedding was not held in the church but at the farm Kvarntorp where Karin came from. As a morning-gift he gave his wife "30 lod of silver". After the wedding they moved together on the farm in Säldebråten that was owned by the Sergeant Bengt Selgqvist.

According to the Church-books Fredrik also was a soldier and he served in the Närke-Värmlands Regemente.

In 1741 his wife died and he became a widdower. Two years later, in 1743, Fredrik died. He must have been in his 40´s when he died.

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